Lloyds Raj Vidya Niketan Students Lead Plantation Drive at Hedri Pond.

In a heartwarming initiative to promote environmental sustainability, the students of Lloyds Raj Vidya Niketan participated in a plantation drive at Hedri Pond. The event showcased the students’ enthusiasm and unwavering commitment to preserving and nurturing Mother Nature. The CSR and Environment team of LMEL actively supported the drive, ensuring its success through meticulous planning […]
‘Krishi Melava’ (Farmers Meet) Held at Pandharkavada.

Lloyds Infinite Foundation proudly conducted a ‘Krishi Melava’ (Farmers Meet) at Pandharkavada, bringing together 1,258 farmers from 11 villages, including Mhataradevi, Usgaon, Nakoda, Vadha, Shengaon Mursa, Belsani, Dhanora, Pimpri, and Anturla Sonegaon. Key Highlights of the Event: Distribution of Kits: Farmers received essential farm and kitchen garden kits to support their agricultural activities. Educational Sessions: […]
Mango Tree Distribution in Konsari Village.

Today, we proudly conducted a mango fruit tree distribution activity in Konsari village, in collaboration with the Environment Department. This initiative is part of our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship, funded through our CSR budget. We successfully distributed 250 mango trees to 250 families, ensuring that each family received one tree. This effort not […]